Monday, 17 July 2017

My Mid Year's Resolution.

I have the BEST home team. It's made up of family and a handful of really great friends, who together act as my very own cheerleading squad.
They give me motivation when i lose sight of why i started.
They drag me out of bed on days when i feel incapable of facing the world.
They keep me going when i'm on the verge of giving up.
They tell me i'm pretty when the reflection i see in the mirror is saying different.
Above all else, they somehow manage to deal with my sassy, diva tantrums.

The reason why i'm writing this post is because i think we all have a tendency of taking our own home team for granted sometimes...or at least i know i definitely do. During the last six months especially, my eye sight has gone a little hazy at times and I've struggled to see past my own life drama. This has meant that I've often failed to show gratitude for the people who have consistently been there for me - I've been so wrapped up in my own problems to stop, step back and appreciate them. I know, i hold my hands up, i've been really shit. I'm not going to completely undermine myself's down to my own strength alone that has managed to get me through some pretty tough times. BUT, oh. my. goodness, without my loved ones support i would never have found that strength to begin with. I owe them a lot for never abandoning ship, even through quite the storm!! Not only that, but i'm a self confessed, too sassy for my own good, nightmare - they each deserve a medal just for putting up with me.

Life is way too short to not shower our friends and family in gratitude. You don't just have to take my word for it... switch on the news and that will show you just how fleeting life can be. At the moment it seems to be attack after attack and innocent people are dying on a daily basis. Not to try and depress you even more, but what if someone we value tremendous amounts is tragedies next victim? By no means should that thought make us live our lives in terror, but instead, with the attitude that life can be taken away from us scarily we must LIVE and LOVE as much a fricken possible!

My mid year's resolution: to say 'i love you' more and dish out cuddles like they're going out of fashion. Use this as a sign to sprinkle some more love to those closest to you. Get yourselves on and send your best friend a card, just to tell them how flippin great they are. Give your sister an unexpected hug; ask her if she's ok - and then ask her again just to double check. Text a friend you haven't seen in ages and let them know how much you miss them. Buy your mum a bunch of flowers or spend some time baking her a cake - believe me, nothing says 'i love you' more than a Victoria sponge!

Lots of love as always,
a super hormonal Beth x
Beth Lauren Lee

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