Monday, 23 January 2017

My Favourite Ways To Unwind!

I don’t know about you, but a little bit of pressure has always driven me to succeed. However when that stress becomes too much, I just tend to crumble - typically in to the arms of anyone that is holding a tub of Ben and Jerry’s in one hand and a box of tissues in the other. Here’s me holding my hands up…I’m a worrier – that bad that I, on occasion, have found myself worrying about not worrying. I build up worst case scenarios in my head and convince myself that I’m going to fail before I’ve even taken the first step. Even if you’re not a stress head like me, in this hectic world that we live in, I think we could all benefit from slowing down every now and again. Often we are so busy plodding along and get so caught up in the day to day stresses of life, that we forget to sit down for five to catch our breath. I can certainly vouch for that anyway!
I have put together a list of several ways I like to relax when my overactive brain kicks into gear.
Here’s hoping they can help you too!

A good old bubble bath

I’ve always been a shower gal. In, out, job done. Coming from someone who loses interest in things rather quickly, aimlessly lying in a bath just isn’t up my street.…but it seems, after a recent discovery, that baths are my saviour in those moments when stress levels have peaked. A few months ago, my babe of a mum ran me a bath after a particularly stressful day at work and it instantly had a calming effect (the glass of wine she also poured for me could have been a contributing factor). A long with every other girl on Instagram it seems, I’m a mahoosive Lush fan. The ‘Snow Fairy’ scent is my favourite so anything which leaves me smelling of that is a winner. I know some people like to read or watch Netflix whilst in the tub but I don’t like to do anything, other than listen to music and sit with my thoughts. Nothing beats a hot bubble bath with James Bay’s sweet voice serenading me!

Reaching out
I’ve always liked my own company but especially if I'm stressing out and feeling sorry for my existence. If I'm in ones of those moods, you'll most likely find me curled up on the sofa, hiding from the world under a mountain of blankets. The truth is (and I think we all know it deep down), isolating ourselves won’t help the situation. Go downstairs and help your mum cook dinner, make plans with your best friend, ring your sister who you haven’t spoken to in a while. You don't even have to talk about what is bothering you. Simply surrounding yourself by loved ones is a great distraction away from those overwhelming thoughts and is likely to bring a smile to your face whatever it is you end up getting up to. Sat alone in your bedroom with nothing but the negative thoughts to keep you company, isn't going to make any stressful situation better...but surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you is almost guaranteed to make you happier.

I watch YouTube videos more than the TV or Netflix these days. I can lie in bed, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night and spend hours going from one video to the next. I am subscribed to all my favourite Youtubers and like to immerse myself into their lives by watching their daily vlogs or beauty/fashion updates.

Switching off from social media
There was a period last year where social media really began to bring me down. I’d go on Facebook and compare myself to everyone I used to go to school with, leaving me feeling so dissatisfied with my life. If they weren’t on their travels and exploring the world, they were either loved up with their boyfriends, landing themselves amazing jobs or having an absolute ball at University.

For me, Instagram also was the catalyst for comparison and self doubt. So picture this…..There was me, tucking into my breakfast and keen to start the day positively. I pick up my phone, press on the Instagram app and would be bombarded by photos of super thin girls either already at the gym or tucking into their artsy gluten free, fat free and dairy free pancakes (which quite honestly just made my bowl of Coco Pops in front of me look like shit). Recently I took action and unfollowed all the accounts that left me feeling disheartened. Even though I haven’t ever gone cold turkey and completely stopped using social media, when I feel stressed I never allow myself to log onto them. On many occasions, I have deleted the apps off my phone. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life, especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed already!

Declutter and tidy

Ok, so I appreciate this might not be everyone’s cup of tea but one of the ways I like to relax is to tidy. I know I know, I’m a creep. You know what they say though, tidy room, tidy mind and for me that couldn’t be any truer. If my bedroom is nicely organised it’s one less thing to worry about and I tend to think a lot straighter too. I function best when I’m kept busy so tidying is also great to keep my mind occupied.

Get inspired
One of my favourite ways to relax is to get myself inspired. I'm a sucker for a good old quote. My bedroom walls are covered in inspiring, uplifting sayings that play a massive role in keeping my spirits high. I like to surround myself by positive people too….the ones who pull the magic out of you rather than the madness! Using other people as inspiration is a great motivator - if they can do it, why can’t you? I follow several inspirational people on Instagram who's accounts are my go to if I’m feeling down in the dumps (a whole blog post coming soon on my favourite insta accounts!). Very recently I was gifted 'How To Be Mindful' by Anna Barnes. It sits on my bedside table so that if I ever feel like I need a quick pick me up, it's in easy reach for me to read. It's not a self help guide that’s full of pages and pages of writing, but instead just beautifully illustrated quotes and tips about how to live more of a mindful life. I couldn't recommend it enough! Pinterest is also great for searching for inspiration to keep you motivated!

It's been scientifically proven that walking reduces stress hormones and can improve mood and self esteem. I'm lucky enough to live in such a beautiful town that makes walking all the more enjoyable. Shoes on, earphones in and I'm ready to go! I listen to a lot of acoustic music (Radio One's live lounge playlist is a good one to get on shuffle) when I'm walking because it's calming and tends to make me quite reflective. I also love to take my niece and nephew out in the prams and go on adventures with them.

A few months ago, if someone suggested meditation as a way of reducing my stress levels I wouldn't have even attempted to give it a go. I used to think I'd look ridiculous and feel like an idiot sat on the floor, with my legs crossed, eyes closed and listening to the sound of dolphins.

Meditation actually comes in many different forms and isn't at all like the preconceived idea we all picture in our heads. I try my best to take a minimum of five minutes each day (typically in the mornings before I get out of bed), to simply sit in silence, focus on my breathing and sometimes in my head repeat a positive mantra. For me it's just a nice way to start the day but you could also take time to meditate in those exact moments when stress levels rise and you need to calm down.

What are your favourite ways to relax when things get too much?
Whatever they may be, just be sure you make time for them. Show yourself the love and self care that you so rightly deserve!

Lots of love as always,
Beth x
Beth Lauren Lee

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