Monday, 27 February 2017

It's Ok Not To Be Ok!

This week has been a bit of a shitty week. I say a bit…I take it back. This week has been a shitty week. I want this blog to be a space where people can escape from the chaos that comes hand in hand with life sometimes and I always will try my best to spread positivity and hope. However, I never want to set this false perception that life is always sunshine, rainbows and anything else sprinkled in glitter, because, well, it’s not.
Beth Lauren Lee

Monday, 20 February 2017

Confidence Is Key!

Last week consisted of one of the most dangerous days of the month for me; pay day. I always find myself online shopping for the majority of the day whilst convincing myself that a whole new wardrobe update is a necessity.
Beth Lauren Lee

Monday, 13 February 2017

You Should Go and Love Yourself!

As we are all probably aware due to the amount of giant teddy bears and bunches of red roses that have been shoved in our faces for the past month (I’m not bitter or anything), Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!
Beth Lauren Lee

Monday, 6 February 2017

On The Bright Side!

Well that's it! Chapter 1 out of 12, done and dusted! I hope it was a good one for you!

I feel like January is a very hit and miss month for some people. A take it or leave it kind of thing. There is either a come down from the celebrations of Christmas or a sooner than anticipated realisation that the goals we have set ourselves for the year are simply unfeasible. Then to make matters worse, we've had the whole Trump drama to add to the mix of our January blues. I'm going to save myself the embarrassment and not go all political on you, but I can say that without even having a lot of knowledge about the government and all that jazz, Donald's Trump’s presidency so far has been very controversial! With that and Brexit, it's like we've been living in a political meltdown for the past month!
Beth Lauren Lee