Monday, 6 February 2017

On The Bright Side!

Well that's it! Chapter 1 out of 12, done and dusted! I hope it was a good one for you!

I feel like January is a very hit and miss month for some people. A take it or leave it kind of thing. There is either a come down from the celebrations of Christmas or a sooner than anticipated realisation that the goals we have set ourselves for the year are simply unfeasible. Then to make matters worse, we've had the whole Trump drama to add to the mix of our January blues. I'm going to save myself the embarrassment and not go all political on you, but I can say that without even having a lot of knowledge about the government and all that jazz, Donald's Trump’s presidency so far has been very controversial! With that and Brexit, it's like we've been living in a political meltdown for the past month!

Day after day another story has been published in the papers and it's been so easy to get caught up in it, especially with it being all so negative! So many of us have now adapted this view that the world is in tatters. And to an extent, I would agree. I think it's sad that still in 2017 we are living in a world where not everyone can accept each other as an equal. However, the reality is, a lot of what is going on in the world right now, we cannot influence. As much as I would love to knock some sense into Donald Trump about his ridiculous laws (and also his ridiculous hair...I mean, who in the right mind would consciously decide to dye their hair that colour!?), I can't. The only thing we have control over, is ourselves. And that is where we can make the difference! To just simply, together, be GOOD people in a world that might right now seem full of turmoil. I took it upon myself to research about the amazingly positive things that have happened throughout this last month, to remind me (and now you) that this world, and the majority of people living in it, are in fact incredible, and as much as it might seem that the world is falling apart, it's still very much whole!

Positive things that have happened in January 2017!

♥ Researchers in Australia are hopeful that they've found a new drug (inspired by an antibody in shark's blood) that can help treat an incurable lung disease that kills more than 5,000 people each year in the UK. Human trials can begin next year!

♥ Starbucks have pledged to hire 10,000 refugees globally in the next five years! Starbuck’s CEO released a statement, stating how they want to make an effort to welcome these people into a life away from war, violence and discrimination.... To show them that there is a world full of opportunities and hope!

♥ On Trump's first day as President, hundreds of thousands of people (both men and female, young and old) marched in a peaceful protest in Washington. A further 20 countries followed their lead and saw protests of similar sorts...standing together, despite being oceans apart, to support women's rights and equality. UK marches were held in London, Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Bristol! I feel super proud to live in a country where so many of us felt the need to support one another, shoulder to shoulder, and fight for what we believe in and for what is right!

♥ Beyoncé is pregnant...with TWINS! How flippin' exciting! The world was definitely in need of this happy news! It was SO nice to see so many people happy because of someone else's happiness!

♥ In India's Madhya Pradesh state (home to more than 70 million people) a week long 'happiness festival' took place in January! The aim of these festivities was to forget about the worries of life, bring a smile to people's faces and promote psychological wellbeing. The state's chief Minister says that although proving food and shelter is their primary focus, it is of equal importance to give people the tools to live a more positive life (especially due to the stresses of the modern world that we live in). He believes that is it the government’s responsibility to spread cheer and happiness and ensure the mental wellbeing of its people.  

♥ Ellen DeGeneres hit right back at Donald Trump by commenting on his new policies vs. the plot of Finding Dory! Watch the video here! It's so fab and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
"Because that's what you do when you see someone in need - you help them."

♥ When I heard about this story on 'This Morning', it actually brought tears to my eyes...It just shows the power of a simple act of kindness! Early January, a couple were on their way home from a night out in central London when they realised their tube station was shut and had missed their chance to get home. A homeless man who overheard their dilemma offered the pair his coat and duvet as he understood exactly how it felt to be stranded on the streets in the freezing cold. This random act of kindness changed Joey's (the homeless man) life. After accepting his offer, sitting with him and getting to know him, the couple decided to ask Joey to come back home with them to Essex. One small, random act of kindness has now enabled Joey to change his life around! He now lives in a house which he can call 'home' and training to be a Tree Surgeon...his future is BRIGHT!

♥ During the 'Miss Universe' competition, which takes place every year in January, Miss Netherlands stole the whole entire show! During the advert break, when all her fellow competitors were lined up, standing still and ridged, she proceeded to let loose and dance to Beyoncé's 'single ladies'. You need to watch the video because it is bound to brighten your day!
"They said we can relax during the rehearsal so when I heard the music I was just being me!"
Be bold, be different, be YOU!

♥ More than three million refugees (mostly Syrian) live in Turkey. The founder of Istanbul's first ever bookshop has created a space where children can read in their own language and escape the isolation of refugee life. The bookshop has become a safe haven for young Syrians who can feel, even if it is just for an hour or two, that they are back at home...(something I think so many of us take for granted...myself included)!

So, it turns out after all, there is still so much hope and faith in humanity. We won't and don't need to live in fear. We are all going to be just fine! ♥

Lots of love as always,
Beth x
Beth Lauren Lee

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