I’m writing this post on a Monday morning. I’ve already been in the bubbliest of bubble baths, the sun is beaming through the window and I have the biggest mug of coffee sat right beside me. Life is shweeeet.
On Friday, Catherine (my sister from another mister) and I boarded the mega bus down to Landon town. Yep, you heard correct. I know what you're all thinking...Beth Lee, a MEGA BUS...is that some sort of sick joke? Trust me, this was no laughing matter! ;) Quite frankly, attempting to wee in a dingy toilet on the back of a moving bus is my idea of a living nightmare....but here I am... I live to tell the tale. Stop being dramatic Beth. It wasn't actually that bad and for a tenner you really can't go wrong. I would definitely recommend it to anyone else with a down in the dumps bank account balance, very much like my own. An experience like that is just what you make of it - with good company and a few gins, any long journey can be fun (this time I am joking, I didn't drink - although I won't lie, I did contemplate taking a bottle just in case things really did take a turn for the worst).