Monday, 27 March 2017

The Perfect Getaway!

I’m writing this post on a Monday morning. I’ve already been in the bubbliest of bubble baths, the sun is beaming through the window and I have the biggest mug of coffee sat right beside me. Life is shweeeet.

On Friday, Catherine (my sister from another mister) and I boarded the mega bus down to Landon town. Yep, you heard correct. I know what you're all thinking...Beth Lee, a MEGA that some sort of sick joke? Trust me, this was no laughing matter! ;) Quite frankly, attempting to wee in a dingy toilet on the back of a moving bus is my idea of a living nightmare....but here I am... I live to tell the tale. Stop being dramatic Beth. It wasn't actually that bad and for a tenner you really can't go wrong. I would definitely recommend it to anyone else with a down in the dumps bank account balance, very much like my own. An experience like that is just what you make of it - with good company and a few gins, any long journey can be fun (this time I am joking, I didn't drink - although I won't lie, I did contemplate taking a bottle just in case things really did take a turn for the worst).
Beth Lauren Lee

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

An Open Letter To My Younger Self!

Dear my younger self,

You are a beauty - your chubby cheeks and mushroom inspired hair cut just adds to the cuteness. You're rockin it. Your hair will eventually grow out and you will lose your baby fat but you will always be just as beautiful.
Beth Lauren Lee

Monday, 13 March 2017

Not Such A Wild Weekend...

Happy Monday to you all!

I hope you've had a lovely day, setting you up for a good, productive week ahead!
Spring is well on its way now and this has got me super excited for the next few months! I spent this weekend baking hot cross buns, buying daffodils, drinking endless amounts of tea, starting a new book and playing outside with my niece in the sunshine...apart from ageing twenty years in the space of two days (what on earth happened to those wild Saturday nights where I drank endless amounts of GIN!?) I had the best weekend that put me well into the spring spirit!
Beth Lauren Lee

Monday, 6 March 2017

Spring Is In The Air!

Even though it seemed to whiz by, February was made up of fairly quiet weeks for me with a few really happy highlights thrown into the mix. All in all, it's been a good 'un! Spring is definitely in the air now and this makes me so excited! The daffodils are beginning to bloom, Easter eggs are back on the supermarket shelves and the sunglasses have escaped from the back of the drawer, due to make their first appearance of the year.
Beth Lauren Lee